Christmas message 2022

22nd December 2022

The Shelter Trust has enjoyed a rewarding year, supporting on average 125 homeless people every day.
The Trust has celebrated so many achievements and so much positivity, most notably the opening of the Women-only Shelter facility.
The dedication of The Shelter Trust staff and volunteers, including those who provide amazing support during fund raising events, notably the Soup Kitchen and the Tinathon, never ceases to amaze.
The continued generosity of the people of Jersey has also been incredible. Every penny raised through sponsorship, donations, or participation in fund raising events is gratefully received by the charity and all who benefit from their work - Thank You.
We'd like to take this opportunity to wish The Shelter Trust staff, The Shelter Trust fund-raising team, Trustees, sponsors, donors, volunteers, supporters and the homeless community a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.