
Donate to Shelter

The work of Shelter just doesn’t happen without the support and generosity of the people of Jersey. We are always thankful for your help, and when you can, please think of us again.

If you would like to make a donation please contact us on Tel 608948 - (contact Deborah Lewis) 

Cheques should be made payable to ‘The Shelter Trust’ and can be sent to;

The Finance Co-ordinator
Shelter Trust
P.O. Box 814
St. Helier
Jersey CI

Donate Furniture

People moving into their own accommodation after a period of homelessness are often left with the daunting task of ‘starting from scratch’. When someone is moving on they can need everything that makes up a home, for example;

  • Bedside cabinets and drawers
  • Single & double beds & mattresses
  • Settees
  • Dining tables & chairs
  • Coffee tables
  • Lampshades
  • Wall furnishings
  • bookcases

Our big problem with donated furniture is that we just don’t have the storage space. We can only accept furniture donations that we can use more or less immediately. Sadly, this means that sometimes we have to say no to perfectly good donations.

We are currently looking for storage space for donated furniture. Do you happen to know anyone who has an old barn or garage that they don’t use?

Please note we do need donated items to be in good and hygienic condition – it costs us time and money to dispose of goods that are not.

If you have any items to donate please contact Aztec House on Tel 730235, and we will arrange collection.

Or even better if you can drop them off at one of our projects we can also save on our costs. Please contact us before dropping off goods so as we can be sure they will go were they are needed.

Donate Clothing

With over 500 or so people using our services each year, Shelter is in constant need of clothing (winter and summer) and shoes.

Those who need our support are both male and female, aged from 17 to 80 years old and come in all shapes and sizes. Our clothing needs to reflect this.

Donate your unneeded clothing and shoes to us.

  • That old suit that has been in the wardrobe for 2 years could help a homeless person dress for a job interview.
  • Those jumpers that haven’t seen the daylight for 3 winters could keep someone warm this winter.
  • Or if you can afford to, next time you buy some underwear or socks, buy an extra few pairs and donate them to us.

Please note we do need donated items to be in good and hygienic condition – it costs us time and money to dispose of goods that are not.

If you have any items to donate, then please contact Aztec House on Tel 730235, to arrange delivery or collection.

Or even better if you can drop them off at one of our projects,we can also save on our costs.

Please contact us before dropping off goods so as we can be sure they will go were they are needed.